Heart health for women is a pressing issue. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America for women. Heart disease can be prevented by being aware of the risk factors and living a healthy lifestyle.
Remain active
At least 30 minutes of exercise should be done at least three times per semaine. You can reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 28% by increasing your heart rate with training. If your schedule is jam-packed, you can take the stairs. You can park further away and walk to the supermarket. Take a break from your work for a 30 minute brisk walk after lunch.
Learn the signs and symptoms of a heart attack
Women may have more heart attack symptoms than men. Women may experience the same “classic” symptoms as men: chest pressure, pain or shortness in breath.
Manage cholesterol & blood pressure
can be increased by high blood pressure and Obesity can increase your risk of developing heart disease. It is important to control your weight. This involves creating a healthy diet plan with a physician or dietician, and balancing calories with exercise.
Get enough rest
A study found that heart disease is linked to sleep deprivation of between 6 and 7 hours each night. Lack of sleep has been linked to high blood pressure. This can make it difficult to lose weight, and may even reduce your desire for exercise.
Reduce stress
Chronic stress is another issue that women face. Chronic stress can lead to increased risk of developing heart disease, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and inactivity.